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Injection services provided by Dr Sassie & Dr Rhinehart-Ventura. Call the office at (713) 654-8128 or (713) 975-8353 for more information.

Let your true self shine

You are entirely you. Bold, beautiful, and brilliant. Dysport® (abobotulinumtoxinA) is a fast-acting,1-3* long-lasting,2-4† and clinically proven2,4 treatment for those who want a natural-looking way to smooth frown lines between the brows. With results that may last up to 5 months per treatment,2-4†‡ you can stay uniquely you. And Definitely Dysport.

* Based on subject self-assessment. The onset of response at day 1 was 15% (16/105) in GL-1 and 33% (65/200) in GL-3. In the DREAM study, the onset of response at day 1 was 33% (66/200). The median time to onset of response was 3 days in GL-1 (55/105; 52%) and GL-2 (36/71; 51%), and 2 days in GL-3 (110/200; 55%).

GL-1 and GL-3 evaluated subjects for at least 150 days following treatment. Based on a ≥1-Grade GLSS improvement from baseline utilizing data from two double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled pivotal studies (GL-1, GL-3) in a post-hoc analysis.

Includes therapeutic and aesthetic uses.
Actual patient. Individual results may vary.
