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Now Available

Dr Jessica RhinehartVentura
Dr Jenna Sassie

FDA approved since 2009, Dysport is most well-known for being able to lessen horizontal lines in the forehead because it diffuses in a way that works very effectively on larger areas.However, it is also oen used for crow’s feet and the vertical “frown lines” that appear between the brows. Dysport has a faster onset time than most neuromodulators, which means that you see results more quickly. This makes it an ideal treatment to have before a big event.

During a Dysport injection treatment session, you will be asked to make expressions so that the muscles on the forehead and around the eyes can contract. This will help determine where the medication should be placed. The skin will be thoroughly cleansed and the medication will be injected via a fine needle.

A Dysport treatment takes about 15 minutes to complete and you are free to resume normal activities aer your treatment.

Call Our Office to Schedule an Appointment

West Alabama Office Downtown Office