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Prioritizing Women Everyday

Serving Houston for More Than 35 Years

At Women’s Healthcare Associates, our main goal as an obstetrics and gynecology center is to take care of our female patients throughout their entire lives. From adolescence to menopause, we take pride in delivering the best care and offering a variety of services for our patients. We are proud to be an established and well-respected OB/GYN office serving Houston women for many years. Call us for more information.

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Our Mission

Our staff is committed to delivering the best healthcare experience possible. As a result, our doctors and nurses are among the best in their field. You can rest assured that our staff members are all fully trained and certified and our facilities are always clean and comfortable. Your comfort and satisfaction are important to us — we are not satisfied until you are satisfied.

You Can Expect the Following When You Visit Our Office

  • More than 35 years of experience in women’s health services
  • Affordable high-quality healthcare
  • Polite, courteous staff
  • Bilingual staff and doctors for a comfortable experience
  • Minimally invasive treatments and procedures
  • Two conveniently placed locations

Medical Professionals In The Houston Area

When you visit our Houston obstetrics offices for medical treatment or checkup, your personal preferences and feelings are not disregarded and your services aren’t rushed. We are committed to providing a comfortable and caring medical experience for you, and we pride ourselves on the level of care we provide. Our team listens to your needs and concerns, and we make it our top priority to take care of you. If you are looking for qualified, caring and competent medical professionals in the Houston area, look no further than Women’s Healthcare Associates. Contact our offices today at 713-654-8128 (Downtown) or 713-975-8353 (West Alabama) to schedule your appointment!

Doctor giving her patient the all clear

Contact Us

Women’s Healthcare Associates

West Alabama Office

5373 W Alabama St #206, Houston, TX 77056


Fax (713) 975-1143

Downtown Office

1315 St. Joseph Parkway, Suite 1818 Houston, TX 77002


Fax (713) 654-7426

Hours of Operation

Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
